Sunday, January 24, 2010

ROAR Blog #2:Finding Fish- A Memior

Courtney Patterson
Roar Blog–Book into Movie
January 24, 2010

Roar Blog #2

In the book Finding Fish: A Memoir by Antwone Quenton Fisher, the readers began to see how Antwone deals with school. At first Antwone showed a lot of hope and process because he was following directions and learning how to be a good student, but all that soon changed. Antowne started to not pay attention to his school work because the kids at his school didn’t like him and there were more problems at home, because Mizz Pickett would find other ways to abuse Dwight and Antwone. The other problem that Antowne had at home was that people were starting to show their favoritism towards Keith, who was a young new forester kid that was living in the Pickett’s home. Keith was favored over Dwight and Antwone because he was biracial and Mizz Pickett said that he had “good” hair. This added to the reason why Antwone didn’t like his dark brown skin.
As Antwone continued the school, he began to skip school more often and he began to steal pennies and nickels from Mizz Pickett. He stole the money because he wanted to be able to buy some penny candy before school like his fellow classmates. When Mizz Pickett found out that he was stealing from her she told the case worker that she wanted him and Dwight to leave her home. When the case worker was in the process to take both of the kids out of Mizz Pickett’s home, she changed her mind. After hearing that Mizz Pickett wanted to keep the boys, the case worker decided to make Antwone go to Metzenbaum Children’s Center for a psychological evaluation. She wanted to help him and find out what was going on with him. Antwone had to take a few tests and the results were that he had the potential to do better than an average child his age, but he was not living up to his full potential. The doctor Mrs. Honhart also thought that there were more problems going on at home with Mizz Pickett and the way she treated Antwone.
As time went on Mizz Pickett took Antwone and Dwight to see Dr. Fisher, who was there to help them express their feelings because they constantly fought. When Antwone found out that the doctor had the same last name as him, he thought that he could possibly be his long lost father. When Antwone met Dr. Fisher, he realized that he was not his father because they didn’t look anything alike and he was white. Dr. Fisher was asked to help decide if Antwone should stay in the Pickett’s home, but there were not many visits to the doctor’s office because Mizz Pickett stopped the visits by telling social services that the visits were not needed any more.
Antwone began to express his self by drawing and this is when Mizz Pickett started to notice his talents. She was very happy and she bragged to anyone who would listen about how talented Antwone was. Antwone was happy that his drawings brought pleasure to people.
*Summarized Pages: 99-151
“Inside, to myself, I make a promise, like a prayer, that if my father does keep me and I don’t have to go back to the Picketts, I’ll be good for the rest of my life.” (Fisher 144).

My reaction to the quote is that Antwone is desperate to find out about his family. He is desperate because he learned a few details about his father and he wants to know where his is, so he could save him for the Pickett’s home. Antwone wants to feel love and he thinks that his biological father would be the person to love him for who he is. Antwone Quenton Fisher’s writing style is to narrate the book with a younger and older voice. When Fisher was describing the events that happened in his life, he wrote in a younger voice. The younger voice was switched with an older voice when he was talking about how those events had affected him.

Monday, January 18, 2010

ROAR Blog #1:Finding Fish-A Memior

Courtney Patterson
Roar Blog–Book into Movie
January 16, 2010

Roar Blog #1

In the book Finding Fish: A memoir by Antwone Quenton Fisher, the readers find out about Antowne’s biological mother’s and biological father’s past. Antowne’s father was known through his neighborhood as an upcoming star that had a lovely signing voice and as a troublemaker. Edward “Eddie” Elkins was his name and he had two daughters with his 19 year old girlfriend, at the age of 23. His parents were hard working people who felt that all their children where special, but he had a little extra something to offer to the world. When Eddie met Antowne’s birth mother Eva Mae Fisher, he cheats on his girlfriend and Eva becomes pregnant, without Eddie ever finding out. Eddie never found out about his unborn child because his girlfriend Frances ended up killing him. She killed him because he was threading her and becoming dangerous to her family. After this event Eva realized that she could take care of Antwone by herself and she had to give him up.
Antowne’s new foster parents became Mizz. Pickett and Reverend Pickett, but Antowne didn’t know that he had forest parents, until later on. He thought that they are his real parents. While at the Pickett’s home, Antowne gets treated differently along with the other foster kids. Mizz. Pickett calls the foster kids out of their name, hit them and treat them like animals. Antowne also gets abused from a family friend name Willenda. She sexually abuse Antowne when no one is home and she makes sure that he would not tell a soul.
In the years that Antowne lived at the Pickett’s home he always Dwight to play with. Dwight was a few years older than Antowne and they were both foster kids, but they were closer than anyone in that house. Dwight had done everything with Antowne, he even visited Antowne’s biological mother with him. Mizz. Pickett and the boys went to visit the caseworker and this is where Antowne visited his mother again. She was glad to see Antowne, but she was not ready to take care of him and become a real mother to him.
*Summarized pages 13-98

“All through my case files, everybody always seemed to be slipping away, in one sense or another.” (Fisher 49).

My reaction to this quote is that it foreshadows what will happen next, because in Antowne’s life people will always enter his life then exit it. People would not stay around long enough to help him develop into a man, so this quote is explaining how he noticed that. Antwone Quenton Fisher’s writing style is very descriptive. When he was talking about one of the dreams that he had when he was younger, he made the readers feel as if they were there experiencing everything that was going on. He explained the setting of the dream and how each person in his dream looked like. He also explained how they welcomed him into their family with open arms.