Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Roar Blog #2: Animal Farm

Courtney Patterson
Roar Blog #2
June 7, 2010
Roar Blog #2
In the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, the animals continue with their plans to take over the farm and be their own bosses. To help with their plan, the animals find and use the tools that belong to Mr. Jones. The tools are used to harvest the food that the animals would need to use once they are able to run the farm, but in order to harvest food all the animals have jobs. The jobs that a few of the animals have is mowing and raking the leaves, but not all the animals took part of the chores. The pigs didn’t help with any of the hard labor, but their jobs were to supervise the other animals. They took the roles as the leaders and they are in charge of everything like the flag-raising/meetings which the rest of the animals have to participate in it. Snowball and Napoleon (the two main leaders) always make sure that their voices are heard the most when the animals have their meetings.
As the animals continue to work hard (some more than others) Old Major’s plan is being spread across the country. There are many animals that are starting to take apart of this movement “Four legs good, two legs bad.” They were singing the song “Beast of England” and growing a strong union among themselves, but Mr. Jones doesn’t like what was happening to his farm, so he made the choice to a take action against the animals. He decides to get help from the other farmers, who are scared that their animals will soon decide to make their own animal farm. They try to ambush the animals and take back Mr. Jones’ farm. Mr. Jones’ plan fails because a few birds had notice that the farmers were coming towards the animal farm and they went to tell the Snowball and Napoleon. Snowball decided that the animals will fight for what they thought was theirs.
The animals did fight the humans and they won, but one sheep had died in the process of the fight. This sheep was given a proper burial, but another animal was mentally wounded by the fight. It was Boxer, a cart-horse; he was upset that he had killed a human. It was a innocent kid who Boxer killed by an mistake. When Snowball heard that Boxer was upset about the death of this boy he basically told him that humans are best dead. This showed the other animals that Snowball really didn’t care about humans and he thought that they would be useless. For Snowball’s and Napoleon’s “leadership” ways they were honored and they received medals as well. When the animals were looking around the farm after the fight with Mr. Jones and the other farmers, they found Mr. Jones’ gun. They decided to place the gun on the flag-raising post and only fire it twice a year.
*Summarized pages 36-49

“War is war. The only good human being is a dead one” (Orwell 49).
My reaction to the quote is that Snowball’s hate for humans is growing and soon every animal would feel the same way. Boxer would no longer be sorry that he killed a human and he would love destroying them. George Orwell’s writing style is very expressive. He expressed how Snowball felt toward the death of a human very well. He makes the animals have different emotions and strengths, and Orwell is good at expressing these emotions.

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